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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to disable the click sound of the iPhone photo

The sound of the camera click sound is a digital camera shutter when a photo is taken on the Apple iPhone. That clicking noise is heard every time a picture is taken with the built-in camera. To temporarily stop that noise, slide the bar phone to the tab appear orange. This will put the phone in silent mode and mute all sound effects, including the click of the camera. This will also mute the ringer and notification sounds. Yet another method is also available.

1. Open iTunes on your computer and click the link in the Apps Store. Download the app called "MobileFinder."
2. Connect your iPhone to your computer via USB cable. You will be prompted to update your iPhone and install the latest application.
3. Go to the applications on the iPhone and run the application MobileFinder. Locate the folder "System / Library / Audio / UISounds." This folder contains all the sound effects system defaults.
4. Scroll down to find the file "photoShutter.caf." Double-click the file and click once to edit the file name. Change your name by any other. The change can be so minimal that you can only get the letter "r" in the word "shutter" if desired.
5. Exit MobileFinder try and take a photo. The clicking noise no longer occur.

How to make your iPhone battery last longer?

Many iPhone users are annoyed by the short battery life when the phone is used excessively. Fortunately, Apple recommends some steps you can follow to help your iPhone to retain battery power for longer periods of time.
1. Keep in touch closest to room temperature. It is considered room temperature 22 º C and your iPhone can function perfectly in temperatures between 0 º and 35 º C. At best, your battery will operate between -20 º and 45 º C; any temperature above or below this range will permanently damage the battery capacity to hold a charge.
2. View usage statistics of your iPhone to know that the battery is discharging. Go to "Settings", "General", "Use", and see the usage time and standby time. If your iPhone has been in use longer than expected and you have not used it, there is something running in the background that is consuming the life of your battery.
3. Use the Auto-Brightness mode iPhone, completely or reduce the brightness of your screen, to help maintain battery life. The iPhone uses a lot of battery power to illuminate the LCD screen, then keep the brightness low preserves the battery. The automatic brightness uses your iPhone camera to detect the amount of light the place and adjusts the screen brightness according to the light spot. To configure, go to "Settings", "Brightness", and activate the Auto Brightness. To reduce the brightness of the screen, go to "Settings", "Brightness" and reduce the brightness level to a lower setting.
4. Disable Service Receipt of Notification from Apple, which is used by Apple's App Store to send automatic notifications of data updates. It is normally little used and disable it reduces the battery discharge. Disable the "Settings" and "Notifications".
5. Turn off bluetooth. Unless you have a bluetooth device that is constantly in use, leave the bluetooth enabled consumes the battery of your iPhone. Go to "Settings", "General" and put the bluetooth as "Inactive".
6. Disable your connections Wi-Fi and 3G and use the "Airplane Mode" iPhone when not needing to make or receive calls or data. Even if your iPhone is in standby mode, Wi-Fi and 3G still running in the background consuming precious battery life. Configure your iPhone to receive data and update your e-mail less frequently.
7. Allow the battery to fully charge and fully discharge at least once a month. This ensures that the battery keeps the electrons moving in its lithium-ion battery.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

How to Transfer Contacts From Computer to iPhone?

So you succumbed to hype, squandered the money and brought home your shiny new iPhone. The phone that "does it all" will simplify your digital life. Mac fans are aware of the simplicity of plug-and-sync to the iPhone interface-Mac offers .. But if your life is based on the PC, things work a little differently.
1. Download iTunes if you have not done. If nothing happens, you will need to activate your iPhone. Remember that the next iPhone, iTunes is your best friend. Most functions of synchronization with the iPhone is designed to work automatically, even if you are using a PC.
2. Plug your USB 2.0 (included in the box iPhone) in seucomputador and the universal dock (also included). Place your iPhone in the dock. ITunes should start automatically and recognize it.
3. Click the iPhone logo on the left side of iTunes (if you have not configured your iPhone, you should do that before anything else). You will be taken to a screen that gives you an overview of your phone with multiple tabs across the top of the window, among them "Contacts".
4. Click on taba "Contacts" and select which contacts you want to sync with your iPhone. You should choose which programs you want your contacts to be synchronized. Mac users will want to use Address Book or Entourage. PC users should use Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express.
5. Click the "Synchronize" button below the panel "Contacts". Its synchronization state will be visible through the top of the window. Not disconnect until the synchronization is complete ..
6. Eject your iPhone by clicking the "Eject" next to the logo of your iPhone in the left corner. Do not disconnect without ejecting it before. Removing it incorrectly can cause data loss.
7. Check your contacts on the iPhone. His new contacts downloaded should be there.

How to transfer iPhone backup from one computer to another?

Switching to a new computer often requires many backup disks, software installations and use of software for data transfer to successfully move all the data. With the iPhone, however, only need to connect it to the new computer and sync. You can also find previous backups of the backups folder in mobile applications, which can also be copied to the new computer.

1. Connect the iPhone to your computer.
2. Open iTunes. For Macs, click on the "iTunes" on the desktop, or click "Go" at the top of the page and select "Applications" from the dropdown menu. For PCs, click "Start," select "All Programs", choose "Apple" and then click "iTunes".
3. Click the name of the iPhone under the Devices section in the iTunes sidebar. Click the "Restore" button and then "Backup" to backup the phone on the new computer.
4. You can also copy, previously, backup files from iPhone. Click the icon of the "Finder" on the desktop and then the "Start" icon in the sidebar. Open the "Library," then "Application Support", "MobileSync" and select "Backup" to access the files.
5. Insert a blank CD or DVD into the drive of your old computer and click the icon "Finder". Drag the folder "Backup" for the CD icon on the sidebar. Click the icon and then on the cd "Burn" button.
6. Remove the disk from the computer and insert it into the drive of the new computer. Open the "Finder" icon and click on the CD drive to see the Backup folder. Drag the folder to the same location that was on the old computer, which is "Library | Application Support | MobileSync | Backup".

Monday, February 25, 2013

5S iPhone, iPad 5, iPad Mini 2 - How Soon Will They Come?

We just left a week especially on the front of new house Apple iPhone not only 5S, 5 but also iPad, iPad 2 and the Mini always rumored iWatch. guide iPhone tries to take stock of the situation, trying to shed light on chiacchieratissimi themes and often confusissimi that fill the front pages of websites dedicated to technology like ours. Fasten your seatbelts, we leave for a trip in the future.
iPhone 5S
iPhone 5S is the most talked about device at the time. We have seen (fake) motherboards, analysis of shells and orders from Apple, has been investigated in depth in the report of the arriving from the Far East. Certainly there is currently very little, if not the design, which should remain the same. As for the internal components is returned to speak of A7 as CPU and a camera renewed. Nothing confirmed of course by Apple, but something is beginning to emerge.
iPad 5
And 'This was the most talked about device of the week. It appeared on the network cover that would leave thinking about an iPad 5 modeled along the lines of iPad Mini . Design no longer flared at the corners, but compact style baby Cupertino. A new feature that we would be ready to greet with joy, as a new form-factor would allow a more manageable and less tiring grip.
Mini iPad 2
In the week that has just ended we were able to also talk about Mini iPad 2. The news would be among the most important: Apple would in fact preparing to introduce the retina screens even on the smallest tablet on the market today at the Apple Store. Here, too, date yet to be verified, although everything seems to point insistently to fall.
[article and image via]

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 - Which One Should I Have?

Exit the legal battles, quarrels patents and other bickering lawyers. It's time to test! Apple and Samsung are good to go to war in various courts around the world, what really interests the mobile lovers, this is the value of their products. And more specifically their two stars smartphones. iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 finally clash. The issue is simple: the supremacy and the title of best mobile of the moment.
Released four months before, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has taken the lead on Android phones and has established itself as a smartphone complete with super high performance fly. For its part, the iPhone 5 a little surprised at his presentation. Thinner, lighter, larger and swifter are not the qualities that make a revolution. Yes, but they can make a very good smartphone ... What is it really? Apple could he have lost the title of best phone on the market that jealously guards the last 5 years? Response in our duel between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3.
[Article and Image via]

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mailbox - Free Alternative to Apple Native Mail App

Since Thursday I test mailbox (free alternative to Apple Mail App) - the app with the queue. The hype was perfect in the run up rocks , the review embargo for download start durchexerziert and the waiting brands that brings out the application for a registration, are the final piece of the puzzle of the staging. Thus, the past weekend was an iPhone email application for Gmail customers.
Basically it is not surprising: Sparrow created a similar stir. The reasons are similar: The App Store, there is a lack of good e-mail apps. In addition, iOS can not continue to set default application. That fact alone drives users with rebellious spirit to other programs. No matter that for a little push Action all emails are driven through their servers start-ups. A ' privacy issue '? Looking at the queue which seems not so.

  1. Mailbox is based on the assumption that I've lost control of my inbox. It relies on mapping, categorization, and memories. Messages can be hidden, for example, and re-appear after a few hours in the inbox. Does not sound stupid, but I'm not. I open mail, answer or do I delete messages. Only in very selected (stubborn) cases I manage electronic mail to my to-do list in OmniFocus on.
  2. No app is clearer signs of a friendly takeover. Sparrow demanded money for his product; mailbox scaled exclusively on accounts. I enjoy disabuse if IMAP mailboxes are available in the next update as an in-app purchase. However, unless the priorities be as clearly towards buying and completely open, as Orchestra want to make money, this is for me as a customer is not very appealing.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Apple Released iTunes 11.0.2

 iTunes is causing an MP3 player invented by Apple at the dawn of the year 2000 with the offer audio while responding to emerging and iPod name. Since then, iTunes has become a media manager that can support many audio and video formats and interface with a variety of equipment from the brand Apple (iPod, iPhone, iPad ...). 

The new version of iTunes 11 brings its share of new features and improvements, including a new interface design, a new iTunes Store, a new Mini Player and improved search capabilities. iTunes since version 9, introduced concept album with iTunes LP. Results of research in the field of Apple, iTunes offers a new music file format corresponding to an album and including the music, but also the booklet, images, content, context, words, etc.. feature supports Genius movies and TV programs. Functionality can automatically create playlists from songs, in your music library that go great together and in one click. 

Genius allows music fans to rediscover some of their favorite songs in their music library and suggests securities of the same style on the iTunes Store that users would want to add to their collection. iTunes provides access to the iTunes Store: the store online sale of music, TV shows and movies most popular in the world, with a catalog of 8.5 million songs, over 30,000 TV episodes and over 2,500 films, 600 of which are available in High Definition. 

Like the previous version, iTunes 11 supports and welcomes the iPad eBooks purchased through the iBookStore.contributions of previous versions remain update: compatibility with 3rd-generation iPod Shuffle. The visual browsing interface displays your music and video libraries from the album and videos, and also offers a great way to browse your videos, TV shows, apps for iPhone and iPad, podcasts and audiobooks.

Monday, February 18, 2013

[Rumor]Apple iWatch is Coming this Summer?

When Apple launched the iPod nano in a square, so small that it could be used as a wristwatch (with special accessories ), many people loved the idea and purchased specially for use as nano watch. But just when it seemed that the company would invest in this type of gadget, she inadvertently changed the design of the iPod nano and now it's not possible to have "a watch from Apple."

In recent days, however, an increasing number of rumors about a possible manufacturing a real smart watch branded apple, which would integrate with the iPhone and iPad via bluetooth.

And things get serious when the CEO of Pebble , the project clock that already exists, responds this way about a possible acquisition of the company by Apple: I can not comment anything about it, unfortunately.

According to some rumors (unconfirmed) already exist to a team of 100 people within Apple, caring only for this project.

The idea is great and we all want one, but Apple would need before resolving some technical issues for the product to become something really ready for mass consumption (and not just among geeks). An example is the battery life, because nobody wants to need to take the clock every day of the wrist to carry it. The pebble uses an ePaper screen, which helps a lot to save on battery consumption, but still functions require quite processor. Will the consumer accept having to take the watch to load even just once a week?


iOS 6.1.2 Is Already on the Way with Bug Fixes

Mal installed iOS 6.1.1 this week and already we soon see another update coming in our devices. This is because Apple has not got a serious bug for corporate users, referring to Microsoft Exchange. She has assumed the flaw in a support document and says that you will notice in a future system update.
The bug happens when there are recurring events in the calendar of Exchange, causing the connection to the server is repetitive, so spending more battery. To solve the problem while Apple does not release the update, simply turn off the calendars account for 10 seconds and then reconnect them.

Symptoms: When you respond to an exception to a recurring calendar event with a Microsoft Exchange account on a device running iOS 6.1, the device may begin to generate excessive communication with Microsoft Exchange Server. You may notice increased network activity or reduced battery life on the iOS device. This extra network activity will be shown in the logs on Exchange Server and it may lead to the server blocking the iOS device. This can occur with iOS 6.1 and Microsoft Exchange 2010 SP1 or later, or Microsoft Exchange Online (Office365).

Resolution: Apple has identified a fix and will make it available in an upcoming software update. In the meantime, you can avoid this bug by not responding to an exception to a recurring event on your iOS device. If you do experience the symptoms described above, disable then reenable the Exchange calendar on your iOS device using the steps below.

  1. Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars
  2. Select the Exchange account from your Accounts list.
  3. Turn the switch for Calendars to OFF.
  4. Wait ten seconds.
  5. Turn the switch for Calendars back to ON.




Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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