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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Galaxy S3 vs iPhone 5 - Which One Should I Have?

Exit the legal battles, quarrels patents and other bickering lawyers. It's time to test! Apple and Samsung are good to go to war in various courts around the world, what really interests the mobile lovers, this is the value of their products. And more specifically their two stars smartphones. iPhone 5 and Galaxy S3 finally clash. The issue is simple: the supremacy and the title of best mobile of the moment.
Released four months before, the Samsung Galaxy S3 has taken the lead on Android phones and has established itself as a smartphone complete with super high performance fly. For its part, the iPhone 5 a little surprised at his presentation. Thinner, lighter, larger and swifter are not the qualities that make a revolution. Yes, but they can make a very good smartphone ... What is it really? Apple could he have lost the title of best phone on the market that jealously guards the last 5 years? Response in our duel between the iPhone 5 and the Samsung Galaxy S3.
[Article and Image via]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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