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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

What to do when your iPod Shuffle with lights blinking green?

IPod shuffle, the lowest line of media players signed by Apple, lets you enjoy your favorite music on the way to anywhere. However, lights flashing alternating green and orange are usually a sign that something may be wrong with the player. Knowing what causes the flashing lights can stay shuffle to help you solve the problem.
Automatic Synchronization
According to Apple, the iPod shuffle displays when lights flashing alternately green and orange, usually means that the device is synced with iTunes. Before doing this automatically, make sure your shuffle is working with the latest version of iTunes, or you may have trouble connecting. Organize your music files in folders or playlists will also accelerate the process of synchronization. You can sync music tab for "Music" (Music), in the main iTunes browser. Disconnect the iPod during a sync process will cause errors, so wait until you see the confirmation message synchronization.

Manual Synchronization
If you prefer not to automatically sync the songs to your iPod, set a manual sync your iPod will function as a portable hard drive to drag and drop music files. Organize music files into playlists or folders. Before synchronizing files, connect your iPod to your computer and enable the feature "Disk mode" (drive mode) with iTunes. Once enabled, drag songs from your iTunes library to the iPod disk in the source panel to upload them to your device.

Restore the iPod Shuffle
If the alternating green and orange lights continue to blink even after sync your device to iTunes, make restoring your iPod shuffle. Unfortunately restoration erases saved content and eliminates the custom settings, but may be necessary if the flashing lights are interfering with the operation of your iPod. Before restoring it, create a backup copy on iTunes, so you can recharge by restoring deleted files when the player resume normal operation. After backing up your files, restore your iPod with iTunes.

If your iPod shuffle is still behaving erratically, contact Apple support. Determining the cause of a persistent problem may require professional assistance directly, so if you are near an Apple store take your shuffle for her technical department, the Genius Bar, maintenance, or contact the unit for repair, as indicated .


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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