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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Play Blueprint 3D on iPhone for Free - an Apple Weekly Chozen Free App

With the end of the year-end holidays, Apple returns to give an application a week, which is free for 7 days. The choice of time is the Blueprint 3D, a game that plays with different three-dimensional shapes. We has two different versions, one for iPhone / iPod and one for iPad. It is free until next Thursday.

Blueprint 3D in our aim will be to solve the puzzle through the movements in various directions the lines and the points presented to us through the display of the iPhone. Each level in fact start with a set of points and lines blurred and solve it we will not have to do is move our finger turning the above set of points in all directions, with three-dimensional effects in an attempt to find the hidden image among the hundreds available.

The number of images available to us is very large, we can choose on the basis of a number of categories, including: Technology, Architecture, Middle Ages, Electronics, Space, Military and Transportation.

During our matches we listen to the original soundtrack included in the title as well as the songs in our music library, and we can finally unlock trophies and objectives of the Game Center in order to beat our record.

As each application chosen by Apple for the " App of the Week "Blueprint 3D will also free for a  limited period , so it is advisable not to delay too purchase if interested. Blueprint 3D can be downloaded for free at here. Have fun!

[via blogdoiphone]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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