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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Why iPhone "Do Not Disturb" Will Return Its Active from January 7?

After some tests, Richard Gaywood of TUAW has discovered that the "Do not disturb" is not activated automatically during a new canno, until the first Monday of the same year. If, therefore, January 1 was a Monday, no one would have noticed the problem. Instead, this year Jan. 1 happened on Tuesday, so the problem will last for a few days.

The reason for this bug lies in a simple coding error on the part of Apple. In short, instead of specifying the year as "yyyy", this was coded as "YYYY". The difference lies only in the fact that the year is identified with capital letters, but it is not something that is not in the field of programming, given that IOS uses the ISO system for the numbering of the week.

The ISO system of numbering weeks using the format YYYY for the year, instead of the normal identification yyyy which is based on the Gregorian calendar. The ISO system does is considered as week "1" that begins on the first Monday of the year. For example, the Tuesday of week 50 of 2012 would have been 2012-W50-2 in ISO format.

The ISO standard defines the first week of the year as one in which " on Monday contains the first Thursday in the month of January . " According to this definition, the first day of the year that we are already in 2013, the ISO system are considered to be the last of 2012. For this system, the 2013 begins on Jan. 7. What is puzzling is that Apple itself, in the documentation sent to developers how to avoid this common mistake ...

In any case, due to a coding error in the "Do not disturb" automatic programming is not activated during this time that the Gregorian calendar is already 2013, but that is still the standard ISO 2012. So do not expect any update of iOS for January 7th: simply, "Do Not Disturb" will again work properly.

And if you do not believe me, try to change the date of your iPhone and enter that of January 7, 2013 or later: automatic programming of "Do not disturb" function correctly.

[Via iPhoneitalia][Image Credit iPhoneitalia]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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