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Monday, February 25, 2013

5S iPhone, iPad 5, iPad Mini 2 - How Soon Will They Come?

We just left a week especially on the front of new house Apple iPhone not only 5S, 5 but also iPad, iPad 2 and the Mini always rumored iWatch. guide iPhone tries to take stock of the situation, trying to shed light on chiacchieratissimi themes and often confusissimi that fill the front pages of websites dedicated to technology like ours. Fasten your seatbelts, we leave for a trip in the future.
iPhone 5S
iPhone 5S is the most talked about device at the time. We have seen (fake) motherboards, analysis of shells and orders from Apple, has been investigated in depth in the report of the arriving from the Far East. Certainly there is currently very little, if not the design, which should remain the same. As for the internal components is returned to speak of A7 as CPU and a camera renewed. Nothing confirmed of course by Apple, but something is beginning to emerge.
iPad 5
And 'This was the most talked about device of the week. It appeared on the network cover that would leave thinking about an iPad 5 modeled along the lines of iPad Mini . Design no longer flared at the corners, but compact style baby Cupertino. A new feature that we would be ready to greet with joy, as a new form-factor would allow a more manageable and less tiring grip.
Mini iPad 2
In the week that has just ended we were able to also talk about Mini iPad 2. The news would be among the most important: Apple would in fact preparing to introduce the retina screens even on the smallest tablet on the market today at the Apple Store. Here, too, date yet to be verified, although everything seems to point insistently to fall.
[article and image via]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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