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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mailbox - Free Alternative to Apple Native Mail App

Since Thursday I test mailbox (free alternative to Apple Mail App) - the app with the queue. The hype was perfect in the run up rocks , the review embargo for download start durchexerziert and the waiting brands that brings out the application for a registration, are the final piece of the puzzle of the staging. Thus, the past weekend was an iPhone email application for Gmail customers.
Basically it is not surprising: Sparrow created a similar stir. The reasons are similar: The App Store, there is a lack of good e-mail apps. In addition, iOS can not continue to set default application. That fact alone drives users with rebellious spirit to other programs. No matter that for a little push Action all emails are driven through their servers start-ups. A ' privacy issue '? Looking at the queue which seems not so.

  1. Mailbox is based on the assumption that I've lost control of my inbox. It relies on mapping, categorization, and memories. Messages can be hidden, for example, and re-appear after a few hours in the inbox. Does not sound stupid, but I'm not. I open mail, answer or do I delete messages. Only in very selected (stubborn) cases I manage electronic mail to my to-do list in OmniFocus on.
  2. No app is clearer signs of a friendly takeover. Sparrow demanded money for his product; mailbox scaled exclusively on accounts. I enjoy disabuse if IMAP mailboxes are available in the next update as an in-app purchase. However, unless the priorities be as clearly towards buying and completely open, as Orchestra want to make money, this is for me as a customer is not very appealing.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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