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Friday, March 1, 2013

How to Download Games for the iPod Nano 3G

The iPod Nano 3rd Generation (3G) is a portable multimedia device that not only lets you play music and photos, but also download and play games. Using iTunes, the program management standard iPod, you can download and sync to your player games quickly and easily. There are several different games that you can choose, depending on their interests, and in no time you can start to play them wherever you go.

1. Connect your iPod Nano 3G to your computer using the USB cable and open iTunes if it does not open automatically.
2. Click on your iPod icon in the left pane of the iTunes program and click "iTunes Store". Search for the game you want to download to your iPod and click "Download".
3. Enter your username and password in iTunes and click "Download" to download the game automatically to your iTunes library.
4. Click on your iPod icon in the left pane and click the "Game". Select "Sync Games". Select the game you downloaded and click "Apply" to automatically sync the game for the iPod Nano 3G.
5. Make sure the game has been downloaded on the iPod by selecting the "Extra". Select "Games". You should see your game listed in this category.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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