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Monday, February 18, 2013

[Rumor]Apple iWatch is Coming this Summer?

When Apple launched the iPod nano in a square, so small that it could be used as a wristwatch (with special accessories ), many people loved the idea and purchased specially for use as nano watch. But just when it seemed that the company would invest in this type of gadget, she inadvertently changed the design of the iPod nano and now it's not possible to have "a watch from Apple."

In recent days, however, an increasing number of rumors about a possible manufacturing a real smart watch branded apple, which would integrate with the iPhone and iPad via bluetooth.

And things get serious when the CEO of Pebble , the project clock that already exists, responds this way about a possible acquisition of the company by Apple: I can not comment anything about it, unfortunately.

According to some rumors (unconfirmed) already exist to a team of 100 people within Apple, caring only for this project.

The idea is great and we all want one, but Apple would need before resolving some technical issues for the product to become something really ready for mass consumption (and not just among geeks). An example is the battery life, because nobody wants to need to take the clock every day of the wrist to carry it. The pebble uses an ePaper screen, which helps a lot to save on battery consumption, but still functions require quite processor. Will the consumer accept having to take the watch to load even just once a week?



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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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