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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

How to make your iPhone battery last longer?

Many iPhone users are annoyed by the short battery life when the phone is used excessively. Fortunately, Apple recommends some steps you can follow to help your iPhone to retain battery power for longer periods of time.
1. Keep in touch closest to room temperature. It is considered room temperature 22 º C and your iPhone can function perfectly in temperatures between 0 º and 35 º C. At best, your battery will operate between -20 º and 45 º C; any temperature above or below this range will permanently damage the battery capacity to hold a charge.
2. View usage statistics of your iPhone to know that the battery is discharging. Go to "Settings", "General", "Use", and see the usage time and standby time. If your iPhone has been in use longer than expected and you have not used it, there is something running in the background that is consuming the life of your battery.
3. Use the Auto-Brightness mode iPhone, completely or reduce the brightness of your screen, to help maintain battery life. The iPhone uses a lot of battery power to illuminate the LCD screen, then keep the brightness low preserves the battery. The automatic brightness uses your iPhone camera to detect the amount of light the place and adjusts the screen brightness according to the light spot. To configure, go to "Settings", "Brightness", and activate the Auto Brightness. To reduce the brightness of the screen, go to "Settings", "Brightness" and reduce the brightness level to a lower setting.
4. Disable Service Receipt of Notification from Apple, which is used by Apple's App Store to send automatic notifications of data updates. It is normally little used and disable it reduces the battery discharge. Disable the "Settings" and "Notifications".
5. Turn off bluetooth. Unless you have a bluetooth device that is constantly in use, leave the bluetooth enabled consumes the battery of your iPhone. Go to "Settings", "General" and put the bluetooth as "Inactive".
6. Disable your connections Wi-Fi and 3G and use the "Airplane Mode" iPhone when not needing to make or receive calls or data. Even if your iPhone is in standby mode, Wi-Fi and 3G still running in the background consuming precious battery life. Configure your iPhone to receive data and update your e-mail less frequently.
7. Allow the battery to fully charge and fully discharge at least once a month. This ensures that the battery keeps the electrons moving in its lithium-ion battery.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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