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Saturday, January 26, 2013

iPod app Alternative: Groove 2 Burrows through the iOS music library

2007 celebrated the iPhone Steve Jobs as the " best iPod we've ever made ​​. " Since the iOS music app is visually unchanged. With iOS 3.0 developers were given access to the iPod interface to the local sound library to integrate into their own applications. Various programs are also positioned as an alternative to the Apple application, notify the other priorities for the hearing and click habits.
Groove 2 (€ 1.59; universal; App Store link ) is another candidate who specifically opposed to manually creating playlists.

Groove for iPad was released in the past year - Groove 2 runs as a Universal App on iPhone and iPod touch. Especially at the smaller screen is the small number of finger gestures to positive. Thus, for example, the volume of the currently playing track with only a vertical hint - change - at any screen position.

Groove 'works' just like Apple's music app with iTunes Match tracks that are not local to the device. In the app settings can specify whether you want to access only available Wi-Fi network or mobile thin line on the cloud songs. Upon request, the program ignores the songs and albums that have not been downloaded.

How useful the software rolls together music, it applies even to judge. The UI, including the automatic loading of artist info and cover artwork is overall a nice counterpoint to Apple's standard program, even if the interface is confusing to start acting.

[ via]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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