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Sunday, January 27, 2013

How to Perform Tethered Jailbreak of iOS 6.1 beta 5

It is now available the  fifth beta of iOS 6.1 for developers . If you have already downloaded and installed the new update and you are also the developers of the world Cydia, you'll be pleased to learn that you can already perform tethered jailbreak of the new version of the system using Redsn0w on iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPod touch fourth generation.
Warning:  This procedure as specified above is for all developers in possession of devices pre-A5, gold anyone with iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch fourth generation upgraded to iOS 6.1 beta 5. The procedure should not be strictly observed by those who have an iPhone SIM-locked.

  • Step 1:  Download and install iOS 6.1 beta 5 on your device. If you are a developer, you know how. If you are not developers, wait for the final release of iOS 6.1.
  • Step 2:  Download RedSn0w 0.9.15b3 from  this page .
  • Step 3:  Make sure you have on your computer the file of iOS 6.0. If you do not have it, download it from our  download section .
  • Step 4:  Connect your device to your computer and set it in DFU mode.
  • Step 5:  Open RedSn0w and make sure that your device is in DFU mode recognized by the program.
  • Step 6:  Click on Extras> Select IPSW and select the firmware 6.0 that we talked about earlier. The firmware should be recognized easily from Redsn0w.
  • Step 7:  Go back to the main page of Redsn0w and click on "Jailbreak". So will start the jailbreak process.
  • Step 8:  Make sure you have checked the "Install Cydia" and then click Next to proceed.
  • Step 9:  Once the jailbreak, your device will reboot.
  • Step 10:  Set your device in DFU again.
  • Step 11:  Return to the menu Extras> Select IPSW and select the file back to iOS 6.0. If you do not do this, the boot tethered your device will fail.
  • Step 12:  In the Extras page click on Just Boot and follow the signs.
  • Step 13:  When you restart your device you will see un'ananas on the display of the device.
  • Step 14:  After the reboot, your device has been correctly updated and released to iOS 6.1 beta 5 using RedSn0w 0.9.15b3
[Image and article via iPhoneitalia]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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