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Monday, January 14, 2013

How to watch movies in streaming

Tonight on TV does not transmit any good to go to the movies it's late and the DVD player is occupied by your nosy brother and his cartoons. How to spend the evening without getting bored? If I were you, I'd watch a good movie on the Internet.

What's that? I do not want to risk peck virus or display banner ads sloppy? Do not worry. There are several sites streaming movies for free in Italian where you can view a number of films of various kinds at no cost and in a totally legal, without risking anything. If you agree, here is a list of the most interesting ones.

One of the main sites streaming movies for free in Italian is Film Review , thanks to an agreement made ​​with the studios allows you to view several online movie in a legal manner and at no cost. To access the contents of the site, linked to its home page using Internet Explorer, click on the button Register (top right) and fill out the form that you are proposed to get your free account.

When finished, return to the home page of Film Review and login to the site by typing the username and password you chose during registration fields located at the top right and click on Login . Now, click on the tab FILM FREE and choose the movie you want to watch by clicking on WATCH FREE for two consecutive times. On the page that opens, click on the first page , and then click Close and Yes to update Windows Media Player. Then click on the yellow bar that appears at the top of the window, select the entry Run ActiveX Control from the menu that pops up and click the first button Click here and then click play to see the film. is a site that offers free movies in Italian legally by displaying commercials before playing films. Does not require registration, you can start watching your favorite movies on simply clicking on one of the posters in the main page of the site.

The films in the catalog are not many, but there's something for all tastes. To watch them, just use a browser that supports Flash Player.



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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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