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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to put music on iPod with iTunes 11?

You have just received a gift of an iPod , you've connected to your computer to transfer it in some MP3 that you've saved on your PC but you have failed to complete the operation because the device is not recognized by Windows?

Do not be afraid, you have trimmed a defective device. You just learn how to put music on your iPod correctly, and I am here today because of this, to give you a hand in this first approach with the media player from Apple. I assure you, it's much easier than you imagine. So less talk and start now!

If you want to learn how to put music on your iPod and how to manage the songs stored on the device, you must install the program on your computer iTunes . If you've never heard (quite unlikely), iTunes is Apple's multimedia software that lets you manage your music library on your PC and synchronize it with the mobile device of the house of Cupertino, such as iPhone, iPad and iPod.

If you use a Mac iTunes are among the programs that are included by default in the operating system of your computer and if you are using a Windows PC, you must provide to download and install the software themselves. Then connected to the Apple website and click on the blue button Download to download the program on your PC.

Open the download is complete, double click on it, the file you just downloaded ( iTunes64Setup.exe ) and in the window that opens, first click on Run , and then click Next , Install , Yes (twice consecutively) and End to complete the installation process and launch iTunes.

When installation is complete, connect the ' iPod to your computer using the supplied cable and wait for the name of the device (eg iPod Salvatore Aranzulla ) appear at the top of the main screen of iTunes. At this point, click the button for your iPod and select the tab Music from the top menu to access the control panel from which to manage the music on your player.

Depending on your needs and space on the device, you can choose to copy the entire iPod music library on your PC or if you only sync certain albums, playlists or artists selected "manually".

In the first case just put the check mark next to the items Sync music and entire music library and then click on the buttons Apply and Sync . In the second case, however, you must put a check mark next to playlists, artists, albums and genres selected and use the fields below to select your playlists, albums, genres or artists who want to transfer to your iPod.

Once you have made ​​your choice, every time you run the iTunes sync iPod with the player from Apple will be automatically copied to all the new songs added to the music library on your computer to match the selected criteria (any song if you choose to sync all iTunes library or only the new songs of artists / genres that you selected).


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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