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Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to get rid of the message "Sent via iPhone" on your Facebook status

The Facebook application for iPhone allows you to use your phone to check your Facebook news feed, update your status and sending messages. As the application is linked to the phone, the site recognizes the difference between the devices. When you use the iPhone app, the message "via iPhone" appears in your status. If for some reason you prefer that your friends and family do not know that you are posting from your phone, use the workaround to hide your shipping method.
  1. Remove the update status of your Facebook profile, if she ever show "via iPhone". Locate the post and slide your finger left in the update, and the application will display a Delete button, red. Tap to remove the status message with the label iPhone. Can not modify application settings, and the message "via iPhone" will appear on each status message you post while using the application.
  2. Open Safari and navigate to While the Facebook application for iPhone recognizes the device and letters, use the Facebook mobile site is very similar to the full site, but with less functions.
  3. Update your status using the mobile site instead to hide the application you are using your iPhone for this. Touch the text bar at the top of the page to enter your status and then Share. The Facebook mobile also allows access Facebook with your iPhone, just without the label messages. When you post your status message, it will appear that you are using the site for that.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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