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Friday, January 18, 2013

Reviews of iPhone Back to 2007

Prior to the IT fair " Macworld 2007 "seethed the rumor mill. Would Steve Jobs († 2011) as part of the traditional opening speech (keynote) announce big? And indeed, after the former Apple boss had provided the audience with a couple of rather irrelevant news, came the bombshell. Jobs took a smartphone out of your pocket, which on the front had only one button and operate almost entirely by finger gestures made. The fans in the hall of locked, the bosses of the cell phone companies should have become queasy at the moment. Jobs showed what was a milestone in the smartphone development;. The industry at the time had no equal in the pan "This must apps missing on any iPhone."
R.I.P. Steve Jobs († 2011)
The reactions were quite different: Manufacturers talking either the chances for the small iPhone or trying desperately to catch up with their own touch-screen models. This was achieved in the following years only partially, because the established smartphone operating systems, such as "Java" or "Windows Mobile" were unsuitable for touchscreen use. Episode: Market shares were flutes. For years, former top dogs such as Nokia, Motorola and RIM are fighting for a place in the sun - so far in vain.

Studies and sales figures show that, especially a company has been able to offer Apple Paroli: Samsung recognized the signs of the times and continued after the release of the iPhone on similarly styled models and developed by Google "Android" operating system. Devices such as the bestseller " Galaxy S3 "prove that Samsung has done its homework. Contrast, other manufacturers like Nokia, Motorola, and RIM (Blackberry) continue to fight poor sales figures.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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