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Monday, January 21, 2013

Manage all your iPhone iPad Contacts with Facetouch

FaceTouch is really a brilliant and beautiful application to fully manage all your contacts with a single tap that interfaces seamlessly with Facebook and Twitter.
UPDATE: compared to the version we tested a few weeks ago, the one released now on App Store has a number of bugs that affect the proper use. We apologize to our readers, so please DO NOT install the app until the release of an update going to fix these problems.

With Facetouch, access to all your contacts will be in a direct, quick and easy.
With this application, simply set up a tap on the contact's photo to make a call (voice or FaceTime), send them a text message or email or access to his diary Facebook account or his Twitter . You can also manage your contacts, create groups for sending SMS and e-mail, use a T9 keyboard and much more.

The application is equipped with more than 20 different functionality and interface really quality. The most important is certainly the following:

  • Bookmark manager (with a single tap access to our more frequent contact). Possible, moreover, to search for contacts by name or number.
  • E-Mailing, individual or group
  • Integration with Facebook contacts. Pagire easy access to the diary of our contacts
  • Integration of Twitter contacts, and quick access to their timeline
  • Sending SMS to groups of people
  • Management groups (with a simple tap you can create, delete, and get access to an unlimited number of groups)
  • Dialer redesigned with instant search by name or number.

FaceTouch is available on the AppStore on offer for a limited period of time at the price of € 0.89

[article and image via]


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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