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Monday, January 7, 2013

How to Transfer Music to an iPod, iPhone, iPad with iTunes 11 - Page 1

Before all things, remember that to add songs to iTunes , just click on "File" then "Add to Library" and select the folder containing your music or to purchase on the iTunes Store. Now that the library is busy, see the different ways to transfer your music to iPhone, iPad, iPod with iTunes 11.

The first of these solutions is Apple iCloud. This storage solution in the cloud enables you to access your music from any of your device. But it must be it music purchased from the iTunes Store and it always available, the device on which you want to put your music works over Wi-Fi or 3G and of course, that you have a Apple account.

To turn on a Mac simply go to "System Preferences" then "iCloud" and enter your login information or, if you do not have to create an account. On a PC you will need to download the iCloud Control Panel. Then on iTunes, connect to the iTunes Store with your Apple ID, then go to "Settings", "Store", check "Show iTunes purchases in the cloud" and then select the type of media you want to synchronize, in this instance the music.

To find your music on your other devices, simply connect to the same Apple account, enable Wi-Fi and enable iCloud synchronization in the "System Preferences." if you do not buy music on iTunes Store solution in the cloud is also proposed: it is iTunes Match . Unlike iCloud which is free, that service is chargeable. It costs 24, 99 euros per year and works slightly differently iCloud.

The music you own and which is also available on the iTunes Store will automatically sync songs while not on the list will be downloaded in the cloud. In any case, you can put 25,000 songs that maximum per account, not including songs purchased from the iTunes Store. Finally, note that as with iCloud, this function only works with devices with Wi-Fi or 3G.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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