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Play Blueprint 3D on iPhone for Free

With the end of the year-end holidays, Apple returns to give an application a week, which is free for 7 days. The choice of time is the Blueprint 3D, a game that plays with different three-dimensional shapes.

Why iPhone "Do Not Disturb" Will Return

After some tests, Richard Gaywood of TUAW has discovered that the "Do not disturb" is not activated automatically during a new canno, until the first Monday of the same year.

Panoramic on the iPhone 4S Camera

Last year, some developers they discovered a hidden function in iOS that allowed him to take panoramic pictures with the iPhone camera, directly into the native Camera app. At the time, we got to test the function, which was still crude and imprecise.

Download Music for Free with Voice Music Downloader

Voice Music Downloader allows you to download iPhone music for free from sites with open access to MP3 files. It is also the first Music Downloader with search functions vocal tracks in 25 languages.

How to Transfer Music to an iPod

Before all things, remember that to add songs to iTunes , just click on "File" then "Add to Library" and select the folder containing your music or to purchase on the iTunes Store. Now that the library is busy, see the different ways to transfer your music to iPhone, iPad, iPod with iTunes 11.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

How to tethered jailbreak iOS 6.1.3 on pre-A5 devices

Apple has just released iOS 6.1.3 final version ( here you will find direct links to download) and time record was already published the first tethered jailbreak for this firmware, compatible, as usual, only with pre-A5 devices Apple. So let's see how to install Cydia on iOS 6.1.3 using Redsn0w.

Warning:  this procedure, as specified above is dedicated to all developers with pre-A5 devices, namely all those who own an iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS or iPod Touch Fourth Generation updated to iOS 6.1.3 original. The procedure should not be followed by absolutely anyone who owns an iPhone SIM-locked and is not compatible with other Apple iOS devices that differ from those mentioned above.

Step 1:  Download and install iOS 6.1.3 on your device (it does not matter if you update from iTunes or directly from your iOS device).

Step 2:  Download RedSn0w 0.9.15b3 from  this page .

Step 3:  Make sure you have the file on your computer to iOS 6.0. If you do not have it, download it from our  download section .

Step 4:  Connect your device to your computer and set it into DFU mode.

Step 5:  Open RedSn0w and make sure that your device is in DFU mode recognized by the program.

Step 6:  Click on Extras> Select IPSW and select the firmware 6.0 that we talked about earlier. The firmware should be easily recognized by Redsn0w.

Step 7:  Go back to the main page of Redsn0w and click on "Jailbreak". So will start the jailbreak process.

Step 8:  Make sure you have ticked the "Install Cydia" and then click Next to proceed.

Step 9:  Once the jailbreak, your device will reboot.

Restarting in tethered mode
Step 10:  Set your device in DFU again.

Step 11:  Return to the menu Extras> Select IPSW and select the file back to iOS 6.0. If you do not do this, boot tethered your device will fail.

Step 12:  In the Extras page click on Just Boot and follow the signs.

Step 13:  When you restart your device you will see un'ananas on the display of the device.

Step 14:  Once the reboot is complete, your device will be unlocked and properly update to iOS 6.1.3 using RedSn0w 0.9.15b3.

Scans, detects, and saith Prizmo 2

The text recognition (smartphone) cameras not yet achieved to some extent the results of conventional scanners. For 'Quick & Dirty' That's enough now, however loosely. And the benefits are obvious.

Prizmo (€ 5.49; universal; App Store link ) was found for the first time in December 2010 on my iPhone. Version 2.0, since yesterday in the download directory, dispels some dusty UI elements. A brief mention is overdue.

The software scans, detects, and speaks, but the user starts out of the way. An annoying dialogs and pop-up menus was saved - Maccessibility praises (voiceover) Accessibility.

From (white) photographed (web) texts (for example from an iPad) or from paper books produced excellent results. Magazine articles that paint black text on a colored background, it turns a precise words finding the color from the image. The manual post-processing is simple and understandable.

Partial raises the individual text boxes in their software (logical) order by each other - and this can be corrected by hand. Plows through the flowing text app reliably. If the detection rate, does the automatic translation and the reading with the help of additional speaker (I have each € 2.69 for the German voice of 'Julia' and the British speaker 'Graham' nachgeworfen).

Exports as a pure text document fails in the current version German umlauts. If you copy the lines of text to the clipboard, however, come in the target app also ä, ö and ü. This bug I have slipped the developer team.

My desktop scanners despite Prizmo still (long) is not used for a fast OCR digitization (on the road) but the 5-euro-application on the iPhone and iPad the perfect complement.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Freemake Music Box - Listen to your favorite songs without downloading any MP3 file to your PC

Freemake Music Box is a fully integrated music player that allows you to create YouTube playlists with your favorite tracks, listen to the music you want and watch videos, all without downloading any file to your computer.
With faster internet, many people prefer to listen to music online to download the files to your machine. This is good as it saves space for you to store other types of content such as photos, applications and other documents. YouTube is a great source of audio tracks and music videos, and this makes Freemake Music Box a music box almost endless.
While doing a search directly on YouTube, this app is very organized and shows the song titles in an orderly and correct, indicating the artist and track separately.
For example, for the version of "Bohemian Rhapsody" singer Marc Martel, the player indicates the correct name of the song, despite the title of the video is another. Furthermore, the application displays an avatar with the album cover to which it belongs to most of the bands.
To assist in the organization, you can create a playlist with all the songs you want to hear. Look for the name of the song in the search field, and to add it to the list, click the "+" instead of clicking the play button.
It is automatically sent to the end of the playlist, and - as with any player - you can hear all the songs in order or you can let the computer choose the sequence, just put the songs to play using the shuffle mode.
If you wish, you can create more playlists, adding files to them later. You can choose to separate by artists, style or even by using a classification totally personal. With this feature, you create your fully customized sequence of tracks. To add a song to a specific playlist, you need to first open the list and then click the "+" button that appears on every track of the results.
As results are generated from YouTube videos, it is natural that you can see them also in the application itself. This is not the main purpose of Freemake Music Box, so the space for it is not very big and is just below the list of songs running. If you want you can hide it by clicking "Hide Video".



Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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