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Monday, March 18, 2013

How does the iPod Touch

It's easy to think of the iPod Touch as a simplified version of the iPhone instead of an iPod incremented. The iPod Touch is a few inches shorter and thinner and weighs about 15 grams less than the iPhone. The iPhone battery also lasts a little more than the iPod Touch. The iPhone can play about 24 hours of audio and 7 hours of video, while the iPod Touch plays 22 hours of audio and 5 hours of video playback when fully laden battery.
The home screen of the iPod Touch also resembles the iPhone, but has fewer icons. From the home screen, you can access the e-mail client of the iPhone features text messaging , digital camera and a collection of mini-applications called widgets. And of course, you can use the iPhone as a mobile phone.
The iPod Touch does not share any of these functions, but the two devices have some things in common.In terms of storage capacity, the iPod Touch is comparable to the iPhone and the iPod nano. It costs almost the same price as an iPhone, but is much more expensive than the nano, which costs less than $ 200. The iPod Touch also has less storage capacity than the iPod classic, but the price is similar.
When you buy an iPod Touch, you're paying a bit more for the ability to connect WiFi, widescreen and touchscreen interface. Then we will see what exactly is behind the most distinctive feature of the iPod Touch.


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Dave Korine is someone that recently discovered a new hobby online. A person that really likes technology, computer, reading and daily challenge. An eternal geek nerd, tech fan and a communication lover.

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